Antenatal Clinics
Run by the community midwifery team. Antenatal and parent-craft classes are held in the Medical Centre.
Asthma, Blood Pressure & Diabetes Monitoring
Our practice nurse offers routine checks, education and advice.
Family Planning Advice
Some services (including insertion of Nexplanon contraceptive implant) are available during surgery hours from the doctors and the practice nurse. Emergency contraception up to five days following unprotected intercourse is available by contacting the pharmacy. We provide contraceptive advice and free condoms through the C-Card System. For a wider range of contraceptive and sexual health services follow the link to 'Sexual Health' on the East Lothian 'Right Care, Right Place' website.
Cervical Smear
We recommend regular smears for all women from 25-64 years and you will be contacted every five years or more frequently if required.
Pre-Pregnancy Counselling
Please see your doctor or practice nurse.
Childhood Immunisation & Child Health Surveillance
We strongly recommend full immunisation and will contact you at the appropriate times. All immunisations are now provided by the East Lothian Vaccination Team. Children under 5 will be invited to attend for the recommended programme of pre-school checks with the health visitors team.
Healthy Lifestyle Advice & Health Promotion
The practice nurses and health visitors are particularly interested in encouraging a healthy lifestyle. See them for advice on losing weight, stopping smoking or exercise.
Belhaven Hospital
We no longer have the facility to admit and care for patients at Belhaven Hospital. The closure of Belhaven Hospital was approved at the East Lothian Integration Joint Board meeting in March 2024.